
How To Avoid Cloud Adaptation Mistakes?

Cloud adaptation is seem to get lot of traction but it comes with many pitfalls. In this article we'll give you insights about dangerous areas you should watch out for.

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Cloud adaptation is the seem to be the key for most business some of the reasoning behind is

  • Flexibility
  • Traceability
  • Ease of scalability

There are many more. Problem is the going all in and getting caught by the hype of these platforms.

The key is understanding the foundations & yourself.

Reality be totally different than marketing.

They are marketed as easy which we can’t blame because implementation of the some of the architectural decision can take minutes to hour. Same decisions can take hours to months if the business wants to build on-premise.

Unfortunately this ease of development comes with many pitfalls for your business because talking cloud is 10% but applying and understanding the trade-offs is the 90% of the battle.

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Before you start to this battle you need to consider several areas and have an honest conversation with all the business stakeholders. Some of the considerations that we’ve seen business to fail to implement are

  • Believing it can take between 1 to 3 month.
  • Decisions are happening on executive level without including other business areas
  • No employee feedback in the loop
  • Not understanding the current business process
  • Lack of tech fundamental knowledge.

List can go on. As you can see none of considerations are rocket since but amazingly most business leaders fail to do.

Written By
Borga Edionse Usifo
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